Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

Justin Bieber Kembali ke Instagram

Never say never. Last year, much to the chagrin of his millions of Instagram followers, Justin Bieber deleted, then reactivated, and then finally quit the photo-sharing service for good. But after a five-month hiatus, he's giving his least favorite social media platform another shot. Bieber's beloved Instagram account is returning on Friday, ahead of his appearance in T-Mobile's Super Bowl ads, the cellphone company announced. The 22-year-old singer is starring in T-Mobile's #UnlimitedMoves campaign for his upcoming spot, where he dons a tux to show off some moves of his own. The last time Bieber was on Instagram, he was embroiled in a feud with his former flame Selena Gomez, which her fans dubbed the #SelenaEndedJustinParty. But, since T-Mobile is fulfilling Bieber's 2015 wish to appear in a Super Bowl ad, the singer is returning the favor, reviving his account for his fans. Keep an eye on @justinbieber to see when it reactivates. @Regrann from @justinbieber - "Let me see your #unlimitedmoves" - #Regrann Sumber Internet: McDermott, Maeve (USATODAY). 2017. "Rejoice! Justin Bieber is Returning to Instagram". (Daring). Tersedia: (diakses 04 Februari 2017)

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